Hello! I am Jenny McCutcheon. I am Linda and Don McCutcheon's daughter-in-law. Our family lives in Rochester, MN and we have the WONDERFUL privilege of hosting Grandma (Linda) and Grandpa (Don).
Here is a quick review of what happened last week:
October 6th, 2010
Linda had a bronchoscopy with a lung mass biopsy. That procedure lasted about 3 hours. She was admitted to the MICU with respiratory distress.
October 7th, 2010
Linda improved overnight and was moved in the afternoon to a regular room at St. Mary's Hospital (pulmonary team). She developed a fever later in the day and was given antibiotics.
October 8th, 2010
Linda's breathing improved and was discharged on 5L of O2.
The "Final Primary Diagnosis" occluding left mainstem lesion suggestive of
non-small cell lung cancer.
Here's a quick review of what's happening this week:
October 12th, 2010
Upper Endoscopy at 1:30pm. This appointment should last 2-3 hours.
October 13th, 2010
PET Scan at 8:15am. This appointment should last 2-3 hours. Don and Linda also have a 3pm appointment with her pulmonary/critical care doctor at Mayo Clinic to discuss all the test results and future treatments.
This past weekend was filled with visits from Don and Linda's children and grand kids. Tonight, we get a special visit from Halim. Halim is married to Don and Linda's daughter, Lisa. They live in CA and we are very excited to spend some time with him!
Please, pray for Linda's appetite to improve. She has no desire to eat. Linda needs strength and that requires FOOD! :) She is also anxious about her upcoming tests. Pray for her to feel an overwhelming peace as she goes through this next round of tests.
Pray for Don and his continued strength. His appetite is also dwindling. Don's main concern is his lovely bride (and it should be...) but he need to remember to take care of himself too.
We love you all and covet your prayers!!! (Come back often and check for more updates.)