Sunday, November 7, 2010

Brother, Sister, and Mother

This is Linda's brother, Tom.  He flew in on Friday from Boston.  Tom sat and read poetry to Mom.  Isn't that sweet?

This is Linda's mom, May.  Grandma May is going to be 90 next year!!

JoAnne, Tom, and Don
JoAnne was a sweetheart and came to visit.  She and Grandma May came together.  It was a wonderful visit and we are so happy that Tom, JoAnne and Grandma May came this weekend!

Mother and Daughter!


Once again, we were blessed to spend time with family this weekend.  They brought joy and laughter into our home and we are so thankful for their love and support!  We love you and thank you so much for coming Uncle Tom, Aunt JoAnne, and Grandma May!


deb said...

I am so thankful that you were able to spend time together. Sounds like it was another blessed weekend. :-)

Karen Hitchcock said...

What a wonderful blessing for everyone to be able to come spend time together!!! LOVED seeing all the pictures! God bless you all!!!