Sunday, November 14, 2010

Linda is home!

We just wanted to let everyone know that Mom came home from the hospital on Saturday afternoon.  They were able to flush enough calcium from her body to allow her to come home.  Praise the Lord!  We are so glad to have her home with us.

Also, we have a new prayer request to share with you.  Last night, Mom had some scary nightmares.  These nightmares caused both Mom and Dad to loose much needed rest.  Please, pray for Linda's sleep to be protected and peaceful.

Thank you for your continued prayers and faithful support!  As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we are reminded of how thankful we are for ALL of you!

With love,
The McCutcheon Family


deb said...

Praying that God's peace will so consume you that you sleep as soundly as a baby in a mother's arms....remember, he is singing over you will love.

Anonymous said...

Don & Linda, Our prayer is that you will be constantly reminded of God's presence and comfort as you go through this together. We remember your kindness to our family and the great times at your home in Bayfield. The times we shared a meal & had such encouraging fellowship. Also picking apples and grapes....thanks! We will keep you in prayer. God is faithful, He will hold you up and sustain you! In Christ, Bruce and Bekki Anderson & family