Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekend Photos

Grandpa helping Hannah with her math homework.

We were so happy to have the Halim family stay with us last week!!  Here is sweet Adam (grandson) and Lisa (daughter).

Miriam (granddaughter) carving her pumpkin

Lisa and Miriam

A sweet kiss between a big sister and her little brother

Mark and Mom

Uncle Mark and Adam




I have more pictures to post from our wonderful time with many friends and family this past week/weekend.  Check back soon!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mom's Last Radiation Appointment

Mom had her LAST radiation appointment today (I'll post pictures of this tomorrow.).  YEAH!!!  Lisa (Linda and Don's oldest daughter) and Dad went with mom to this treatment.  Today was her 5th day of radiation.  Now, we wait until November 11th for the next appointment with Oncology.   The schedule looks like this:

November 11th, 2010
7:05AM - Blood Tests

8:15AM - Chest X-ray

12:45PM - Oncology Appointment - Dr. Coleman
(results of the tests performed earlier in the day will be discussed) 

The reason for waiting until November 11th is to give the radiation a chance to shrink the tumors.  Mayo Clinic will also have the medical reports from Duluth with Mom's kidney cancer results from 2007.  They will inform Mom and Dad whether the cancer will respond to chemo during this appointment as well. 

Please, continue to pray for strength in Mom's legs and appetite.   

(Also, thank you to all those who participated on Tuesday's day of prayer and fasting!!  We are so thankful for your love and support.  We are also thankful for the wonderful visits with family and friends who have come to see Mom and Dad.  You bring such joy and encouragement into their day!)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A McCutcheon Visit :)

Alan and Sarah came for another visit to Rochester.  Thanks for bringing a wonderful lunch, Sarah!!

Grandpa and Grandma with Cate

Alan, Sarah, and Cate
McCutcheon men love football!

I tried to get a good one.  Hhhhmmm, I'll try again on Friday!  :)

I just had to take a picture of this...too cute!

I don't know how this ended up at the bottom.  Carter just LOVES having another boy in the house!!

Don't forget that Mom has her 3rd radiation appointment on Monday at 1:30PM!  These appointments are very tiring for Mom.  Please pray for an abundance strength.  Her medication also makes her very tired and this can be frustrating for Linda.  So, Don and Linda need patience, strength, and encouragement.

Also, we are very excited as we prepare for the Halims to come and visit this week.  YEAH!  Please pray for a safe flight for the whole family.   

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A few new photos

Grandpa reading to Nora

Grandma resting

Nora reading to Grandma

These are the wild bunch of kids who keep Grandma and Grandpa busy!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Prayer & Fasting Day: Tuesday, October 26

Mom and Dad are requesting those who sense God's leading to join the family for a day of prayer and fasting.  (For more information about Christian prayer and fasting, please go here.

We believe that God can do anything according to His will - especially things that make no scientific sense. To that end, please join us as we intercede for Mom on Tuesday, October 26.  When you feel the urge to eat, may it be a prompter to cry out to the Lord on behalf of Mom. 

Thank you so much,

Mark (Linda's oldest son)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today, Mom had her first round of radiation and is currently feeling very good - in fact, this is the best she's felt in days.  Praise the Lord.  She hasn't had any issues with nausea.  Tomorrow at 3:30pm, she will go in for her second treatment of radiation.  This will help ease some of her pain in her lower back.

Our second appointment today was with oncology.  The doctor was very blunt and honest about Mom's cancer, saying that it is NOT curable.  It's a very aggresive form of cancer and she is in "Stage 4".  They will not do chemo because Mom isn't strong enough right now.  It wasn't a fun appointment and tears were shed together.  We know that God is in control and we are holding tightly to His hands.  Please continue pray for peace and strength.

They are currently concentrating on making Mom comfortable.  We will finish the radiation treatments next week and then reevaluate where Mom is at.  Our next appointment with oncology will be during the week of November 7th.

Finally, Mayo is currently requesting some old records from Duluth.  Mom had a kidney removed over 3 years ago due to having Renal Cell Carcinoma.  Mayo wants to know more about what cancer type she had...because one type doesn't even respond to chemotherapy treatments. 

(P.S.  Mom's oncology doctor was a believer.  Praise the Lord!  She prayed with us and insisted that we hold hands because she was from the south...and that's what they do in the south!)

Photo Day

Grandpa walking with the girls.

Grandpa doing some chores around the house.

One of Mom's appointments.

Morning devotions with Grandpa, Grandma and Hannah.

Flowers from "The Encouragers Sunday School Class" FBC Siloam Springs

Flowers that Lu-Ann Leafblad brought that were from special friends from Bayfield, WI
 Flowers from Halim (Son-in-law)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mom's First Treatment TOMORROW

Mom had her CAT scan today at 10am.  This scan will help the doctors to map out exactly where the radiation will go.  Her first radiation treatment will be tomorrow (October 21st) at 2PM.  During that appointment, they will do one treatment on all the small spots (neck, hip, lower back area) and one treatment on the large spot (near her lung). 

Mom also has a 3PM evaluation with the Oncology Department tomorrow too.

Thank you for all your prayers and cards.  We are also thankful for all the meals that have been dropped off at the McCutcheon home.  You've gone beyond bringing a meal and have provided extra items too (fabric softener, paper plates, napkins, and special treats for the kids and Linda).  We are very blessed by your generosity and thoughtfulness!

Mom and Dad (and the rest of the family) also enjoyed a wonderful dinner with Lu-Anne Leafblad last night.  She came to visit and brought a ton of gifts for Mom and Dad (many cards, new outfit, earrings, cider, and flowers).  Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit with us! 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

PET Scan Results

We met with Dr. Miller today in the Radiation of Oncology department.  They showed us the PET scan results.  It showed a large cancer mass near her left lung (which we already knew about).  It also showed some other areas of concern.  There is a spot of cancer in her neck, hip, and back. 

Mom is going back to Mayo for the next several days (October 20, 21, 22, 25, 26).  Wednesday's appointment is for a CAT scan that will provide the necessary information for her radiation treatments.  (She will have 1 treatment on her lower back and 5-7 treatments on her lung.)  Thursday will be her first round of radiation treatments.  She will experience some nausea for 24 - 48 hours after her first treatment and then...she should feel much better.  Thursday will also be her evaluation with the Division of Medical Oncology (Chemo Dept.).  Today we also got Mom some medication for her pain (in her lower back) and for her nausea.

Please, pray for:
Mom and Dad's spirits.  (Today was not a fun day.)
Mom's lower back pain.  (She was in extreme pain last night - 10 out of a possible 10!)
Mom's appetite to increase.
Mom's strength for the radiation treatments.
Sleep/rest for Dad.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Don't Forget...

Mom has her appointment with Dr. Miller tomorrow at 11:00AM.  Mark, Dad, and I will be going with Mom to this consultation.  We should get many questions answered during this visit. 

Please, continue to pray for Mom's appetite and her ability to swallow.  We also need to pray for her mental strength and spiritual protection.  She is gearing up for treatments and needs to be ready to fight!  Thank you for all your emails, Facebook messages, and cards.  Encouragement is so very important and appreciated.     

Thank you!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Marie and Boyd's Visit

Marie and Boyd came over and spent Sunday with Mom and Dad.  They are a lovely couple who are great friends to Mom and Dad!  Those two couples "sat long, talked much, and laughed often".   Laughter IS good medicine.  Thank you for coming to Rochester and blessing us all with your visit!

(Boyd, I am sorry that your eyes are closed.  I will "Photoshop" them open when I have a moment.)  :)  Come again soon for another visit!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Will God Provide?

Dad is a self-employed, hard-working carpenter.  (He's my favorite handyman!) Dad had a tough decision to make: leave his lovely bride in MN while she undergoes treatment for cancer to work back home in Arkansas to pay the bills, or stay by his wife's side through it all while the bills piled up. Well, by faith, Dad chose option #2 - and he is doing a WONDERFUL job caring for Mom! 

But that left many bills to pay, and no income to pay for them.  Dad took a step of faith to stay here, and...

God provided a way for Don and Linda to have ALL their bills paid for so they can stay together in Rochester!!  Thank you to the many friends and family who showed their love and generosity.  Now Dad can stay with Mom and NOT worry about finances.  What a beautiful testimony of God's provision and the body of Christ!  Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

PET Scan

Mom had her PET scan today at 8:15AM.  It went very smoothly.  Thank you for all your prayers!  They should get the results on October 19th, 2010...when they have their evaluation with the Department of Radiation Oncology at 11AM.

Mom is resting and eating some soup today.  Dad is a good motivator.  He just keeps warming her soup up until she eats it all.  :)  I am keeping Dad busy with my "honey-do" list.  Boy, do I LOVE having Grandpa here!!!  My list will be gone soon at this rate.  I'll just have to come up with some new projects.  :) 

We are looking forward to some visits this weekend with friends and family.  If you want our send Don and Linda some encouragement...just leave a message and we'll get it to you.

(Here is another example of what these two do all day!)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday's Test Canceled

We have an answer to prayer!  Linda went in for her upper endoscopy this afternoon at Mayo Clinic and her doctor canceled the test.  The doctor decided that this test was NOT necessary and both Don and Linda were relieved.  This exam would have been very difficult for Linda's throat.  She is already having a hard time swallowing...without having a tube being put down her throat for an exam.  So, this was good news today.  Praise the Lord!

Linda still has her PET scan tomorrow at 8:15am.  So, she has to eat a high protein dinner this evening.  She is currently trying to eat one scrambled egg.  Nothing looks or tastes good to Linda.  So, this is a challenge.  Pray for her appetite to return to normal and her swallowing to be more comfortable.

 Here is what's happening next week:

October 19th, 2010 at 11am
Consult with Radiation Oncology
(Radiation evaluation)

October 21, 2010 at 3pm
Evaluation with Medical Oncology
(Chemo evaluation)

I thought that some of you would like to see some photos of Mom and Dad.  Mom doesn't really enjoy the fact that I take her picture...but I am still going to do it!  :) 

(Don is trying to communicate as much information to friends/family as possible.) 

(Mom needs lots of rest!)

(Naturally, she does more than just rest!  She also keeps their paperwork/bills in order.  Good job, Mom!)

A special "thank you" to those who have given Don and Linda flowers/gifts/meals/money/cards.  Each kind gesture has touched Don and Linda's hearts.  God bless you all and thank you for your continued prayers! 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Welcome to Linda's Blog!

Hello!  I am Jenny McCutcheon.  I am Linda and Don McCutcheon's daughter-in-law.  Our family lives in Rochester, MN and we have the WONDERFUL privilege of hosting Grandma (Linda) and Grandpa (Don). 

Here is a quick review of what happened last week:
October 6th, 2010 
Linda had a bronchoscopy with a lung mass biopsy.  That procedure lasted about 3 hours.  She was admitted to the MICU with respiratory distress. 

October 7th, 2010
Linda improved overnight and was moved in the afternoon to a regular room at St. Mary's Hospital (pulmonary team).  She developed a fever later in the day and was given antibiotics.

October 8th, 2010
Linda's breathing improved and was discharged on 5L of O2.

The "Final Primary Diagnosis" occluding left mainstem lesion suggestive of non-small cell lung cancer.

Here's a quick review of what's happening this week:
October 12th, 2010
Upper Endoscopy at 1:30pm.  This appointment should last 2-3 hours.

October 13th, 2010
PET Scan at 8:15am.  This appointment should last 2-3 hours.  Don and Linda also have a 3pm appointment with her pulmonary/critical care doctor at Mayo Clinic to discuss all the test results and future treatments.

This past weekend was filled with visits from Don and Linda's children and grand kids.  Tonight, we get a special visit from Halim.  Halim is married to Don and Linda's daughter, Lisa.  They live in CA and we are very excited to spend some time with him! 

Please, pray for Linda's appetite to improve.  She has no desire to eat.  Linda needs strength and that requires FOOD!  :)  She is also anxious about her upcoming tests.  Pray for her to feel an overwhelming peace as she goes through this next round of tests. 

Pray for Don and his continued strength.  His appetite is also dwindling.  Don's main concern is his lovely bride (and it should be...) but he need to remember to take care of himself too.

We love you all and covet your prayers!!!  (Come back often and check for more updates.)