Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today, Mom had her first round of radiation and is currently feeling very good - in fact, this is the best she's felt in days.  Praise the Lord.  She hasn't had any issues with nausea.  Tomorrow at 3:30pm, she will go in for her second treatment of radiation.  This will help ease some of her pain in her lower back.

Our second appointment today was with oncology.  The doctor was very blunt and honest about Mom's cancer, saying that it is NOT curable.  It's a very aggresive form of cancer and she is in "Stage 4".  They will not do chemo because Mom isn't strong enough right now.  It wasn't a fun appointment and tears were shed together.  We know that God is in control and we are holding tightly to His hands.  Please continue pray for peace and strength.

They are currently concentrating on making Mom comfortable.  We will finish the radiation treatments next week and then reevaluate where Mom is at.  Our next appointment with oncology will be during the week of November 7th.

Finally, Mayo is currently requesting some old records from Duluth.  Mom had a kidney removed over 3 years ago due to having Renal Cell Carcinoma.  Mayo wants to know more about what cancer type she had...because one type doesn't even respond to chemotherapy treatments. 

(P.S.  Mom's oncology doctor was a believer.  Praise the Lord!  She prayed with us and insisted that we hold hands because she was from the south...and that's what they do in the south!)


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for keeping us updated. I am so sad that the news is not better. I am praying that God will hold Linda and Don and the whole family in His strong comforting arms. It is an answer to prayer that the oncology doc is a believer and you could pray with her. I love the pictures. We are prayer warriors for you.
Love, Paula and Ron Harp

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures too! Been praying today, especially around the treatment time... will keep praying - God is in control!