Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday's Test Canceled

We have an answer to prayer!  Linda went in for her upper endoscopy this afternoon at Mayo Clinic and her doctor canceled the test.  The doctor decided that this test was NOT necessary and both Don and Linda were relieved.  This exam would have been very difficult for Linda's throat.  She is already having a hard time swallowing...without having a tube being put down her throat for an exam.  So, this was good news today.  Praise the Lord!

Linda still has her PET scan tomorrow at 8:15am.  So, she has to eat a high protein dinner this evening.  She is currently trying to eat one scrambled egg.  Nothing looks or tastes good to Linda.  So, this is a challenge.  Pray for her appetite to return to normal and her swallowing to be more comfortable.

 Here is what's happening next week:

October 19th, 2010 at 11am
Consult with Radiation Oncology
(Radiation evaluation)

October 21, 2010 at 3pm
Evaluation with Medical Oncology
(Chemo evaluation)

I thought that some of you would like to see some photos of Mom and Dad.  Mom doesn't really enjoy the fact that I take her picture...but I am still going to do it!  :) 

(Don is trying to communicate as much information to friends/family as possible.) 

(Mom needs lots of rest!)

(Naturally, she does more than just rest!  She also keeps their paperwork/bills in order.  Good job, Mom!)

A special "thank you" to those who have given Don and Linda flowers/gifts/meals/money/cards.  Each kind gesture has touched Don and Linda's hearts.  God bless you all and thank you for your continued prayers! 


deb said...

Glad to hear the test was cancelled as I know how much you were looking forward to that one mom. :-)Take care and enjoy all that wonderful protein. Don't think of it as food; just think of it as taking another pill....that ought to help, huh? :-)

Schuster Fam said...

Chloe, Adam and I pray for each one of you during bedtime prayers. You are on our hearts and we are ready to serve you as needs arrise McCutcheon family!!!

Jean Erbst (ghost writer for Bryan Erbst) said...

Don and Linda (Mark and Jenny, too), I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this season of challenge. I know that your faith is strong and will carry you through these trials. Please know that your friends in Marshfield will be praying for you. Love to see the pictures of you two. So tender. Jean and Bryan Erbst (Andi Schultz Peterson's mom and step-dad)